Global Insurance Quotes

To obtain global life insurance quote, you may enter zip code and go to the next step. If quote satisfies you, sign up a contract with an insurance company whereby you consent to pay an annual fee. Compare quotes from Global with other insurance companies that provide life, car or term life protection. Choose the best option and save on policy. From its side, the company gives a warranty that they will pay the appointed sum of money (the so-called Benefit) to the relatives or some organizations which you choose (the so-called Beneficiary).

Life Insurance

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Tired of paying imposing sums of money for your insurance? Would like to feel secure all over the world, even when you spend your vacation abroad? Global Life Insurance is your key to safety and calmness! This insurance policy gives you the guarantee:

  • The cash value and all types of benefits are paid in U.S. dollars and currency devaluations don’t have any impact on the final sum.
  • The future of your family is safe. They will receive the assured payment in case of any accident overseas, political or economical problems in your homeland, and any other unexpected fatalities.
  • Non-residential citizens are protected by the same policies and are provided with the corresponding safeguards as all residents. Our insurance companies ensure equal rights and opportunities for everyone.
  • A full privacy and confidentiality are our strong points since you can pass assets to your relatives with discretion.

Features of Global Life Insurance

Global life insurance quotes and rates
  • While arranging the insurance, the applicant doesn’t have to select a specific term as other types of policies require. Instead of this, the initial term presents itself the number of years from your present age to the next five years of the insurance company (33, 38, 43, and so on). For instance, if you are 29 years of age, you will be granted a two-year term. Upon the expiration of this time, you can effect the cover once again or renew it with a higher cost. The final age of arranging the insurance is 86, when you are given a four-year term.
  • Insurance policies remain in force for your entire life. Besides, a special feature called a ‘cash value’ is growing over time. You are entitled to access the money by using your account. The coverage won’t be reduced because of retirement, problems with health or a changed occupation.
  • It’s very simple to arrange the insurance – you don’t have to pass any medical exams additionally. You just need to answer some questions orally concerning your health and habits. By charging you, insurance companies take into consideration the following significant factors: age, physical state, bad habits, gender, the size of the benefit you ask for, etc. All these data are compared with statistical information to estimate the possible premium for your particular case.

Consultants of Global Life are glad to render you 3 types of the U.S. insurance: term, universal, and variable universal. Each of them has its own features, peculiarities, and advantages. The first one is characterized as the simplest type with the lowest cost. It is an easy way to realize the benefits and make use of them. Yet, it was created as a new kind and a real revolution in the insurance market of the U.S. If you arrange this coverage, you get it for some period of life or just the ‘term’ – that is where the name has come from. You may determine your own period – until the children enter the college, you become retired or children get married. For this reason, young men find this insurance perfect for them, especially if they have the large financial obligations.

The second type of Global Life – universal – is considered as flexible and at the same time permanent. It provides two functions: assures coverage for your beneficiaries and accumulates savings. Moreover, you can borrow or withdraw from some cash value, what confirms flexibility of this plan. And the last, but not the least Global Life Insurance type is variable universal. Building cash value, this plan supposes that the insured person may decide on money investment himself. Although it seems more aggressive than the universal one, it still gives an opportunity to build and increase the cash value.

Coverage Options

As Global Life Insurance renders a full complex of life insurance policies, it covers the majority of life spheres. The exceptions are the situations when the death was caused by the existing problems with health or long-term injuries preceded the insurance signing. This plan also doesn’t apply to insurance holders who have committed a suicide. In the same way, Global Life Insurance won’t do for a policyholder who got married just for a ‘foul play’ and caused the beneficiary’s death knowingly. On the whole, people suffering from some diseases at the time of getting coverage may get a refusal.

As a result, the less questionable circumstances the person has, the more chances he/she gets to arrange the insurance. Get quotes online to check out the latest deals on life insurance from Global and other companies. Compare rates and choose the best one, save your time and money on quotes comparison.